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Cover of a hardcover coffeetable book, Jewelry of Burning Man, with circular metal art on cracked grey playa surface

Burning Man is a yearly gathering to celebrate art, individuality and community in the harsh desert of Nevada. It's based on decommodification and gifting, and experiment in creating a temporary money-less society.


Jewelry features large in the gifting culture on the Playa (our name for the place we build our temporary city of 80,000 people). Homemade, idiosyncratic, beautiful, mementos of art and life can reach rare levels of artisanship or be endearingly simple. This book celebrates a stunning collection of jewelry from Burning Man between 1995 and 2013.


Jewelry of Burning Man is a book about an obsession with jewelry, a love of teaching people to make jewelry, and the way a community is reflected in its material artefacts.


From a spray painted day glow wooden stick figure to high end bling of gold and diamonds, this books explores the unique and creative fabrication from people who make, collect and gift jewelry. Inside is a wealth of professional photographs and stories upon stories of unique wearable art by and about the people who made it.

The Jewelry of Burning Man

  • This glossy hard cover volume, 9 x 12 inches, about 220 pages, features 300-500 full color photographs exploring a collection of over a 1000 works of Burning Man jewelry. Compelling interviews trace the stories of various pieces and their makers and acts of unbounded generosity. This book is shipped via Media Mail. 

  • Books and other intellectual property are non-refundable.  

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